Fahrenheit 451
Direction Ben Hanna
Scenic William Boles
Lighting Michelle Habeck
Costume Izumi Inaba
Sound Kevin O’Donnell
Projections Team
Associate Parker Langvardt
Programming Alex J. Gendal
Projectionist Todd Mack
Indiana Rep 2022
“Scenic designer William Boles and projection designer Rasean Davonte Johnson have created an artistic masterpiece of a stage, with lines and elements that bridge the “future” tech as envisioned by Bradbury in the 1950s to our 21st century life — classic sci-fi with none of the cheese — a world technological and cold from the perspective of either era.” John Lyle Belden PWJW
“Director Hanna creates an enormously futuristic staging, with magnificent help from set designer William Boles, projection designer Rasean Davonte Johnson, lighting designs by Michelle Habeck, and costumes by Izumi Inaba. Together, their skills make for an otherworldly setting that is perfect for Bradbury’s thoughts and ideas.” Ken Klingenmeier A View From The Aisle
Photos by Rasean Davonte Johnson and Zach Rosing